The Gospel Message of Salvation; Christ Jesus crucified, has remained the same potent liberating truth down thru the corridors of time. In every age, Christ’s sacrificial offering has been the hallmark – the standard bearing truce of mediation in the relationship of God and men. His plan was and is from everlasting to everlasting, His priesthood; forever after the order of an endless life and His kingdom authority – never in question.
Some well-meaning Christians of this final age, armed with a carnal mind, having a seared conscience and a sedated soul, have unknowingly waged war against this fortress of truth. Satan’s ploy with this drugged-up foot soldier of the cross is to modify and dilute pure gospel truths and minister a painless word of faith, prosperity laced and costless gospel to a wine-stupored world… no such real gospel exists. To dilute the gospel one step is to forfeit its power to deliver, redeem and restore man to his rightful place of relationship with Jesus Christ: the almighty God.
Should we, like countless others, dare question this beautiful truth of Christ crucified? Has it outlived its usefulness, or has it stood the scrutiny of time? Does it pronounce perfection, or does it require modification to fit our ever-changing postmodern world? As King David declared “the law of the Lord is perfect,” we too, declare the gospel of Christ Jesus – perfect, converting the soul! And we invite you to examine, scrutinize and weigh the facts, and behold the beauty of this message of salvation. At Soul’s Port we share life-transforming lumps of the gospel book and how Christ has and hopefully is – molding us into his new creatures. Please be patience as we struggle to condense great biblical truths into tiny nuggets of heavily punctuated, palatable points of light. We encourage you to join us for a life-changing service; and find rest for your souls…!
Larry Sims